Work in Progress

A Rowbory family blog from Nigeria

Bible translation and more – some Wycliffe videos

Here are a couple of great videos. Dineke and Klaas from the Netherlands explain a bit about what it’s like to move to a completely new place and adjust to life, language and culture there. This is Asia and many things are different to our Nigerian context, but many aspects are the same.

Equality for colour-blind people

For hundreds of years the classification of ‘red’ and ‘green’ colours has discriminated against sincere colour-blind people, the government claims. In a long-overdue move supported by the majority of the British public, David Cameron is taking a bold step forward in redefining ‘orange’ to embrace the categories formerly known as ‘red’ and ‘green’.

DIY electricals: LED lamp

The sun did not shine It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house All that cold, cold, wet day… Finally, after weeks of waiting for the appropriate rainy day, a mildly snowy day came along. Mum was out and so the 3 kids got to play… making a nice energy-saving, money-saving …

The Highland Clearances Revisited

Growing up in 1990s post-industrial Scotland, the harrowing narrative of the Highland clearances was evoked time and again as a metanarrative to explain (or excuse?) the pitiful state of the nation. I remember the none-too-subtle play The Cheviot, The Stag and the Black Black Oil being performed (rather well) at the High School of Glasgow. …

Scottish Small-mindedness Syndrome

Abstract / Executive Summary Scotland has suffered a catastrophic loss of influence over the last century which seems to have led to a wide-spread cultural phenomenon of small-mindedness which promises to drag this formerly-proud nation ever downward. It corrupts family life, education, society at large and the ‘national church’.

Glossy open source project opened

For those interested in the Glossy project and who might want to contribute ideas and submit improvements, there’s now a project on bitbucket. Thanks for Milt Jones and others for suggestions. There’s more that could be done, but I don’t have time at the moment to work on it. I’ll try to put together ideas for …

Big Picture Story Bible 16: Jesus Restores God’s Place

[youtube_sc url=”″ title=”Rebekah%20reads%20the%20Big%20Picture%20Story%20Bible%20chapter%2016%20(just%20the%20end)” ratio=”4:3″ autohide=”1″]

Buttbuttination: The Clbuttic mistake

It’s not new news, but it always tickles Julie and me to evoke the memory of naive profanity filters that produce the following: President Abraham Lincoln was buttbuttinated by an armed buttailant after a life devoted to the reform of the US consbreastution. In case you haven’t come across it or want to reread the …

Vimeo oembed fix for WordPress (again!)

Either Vimeo or WordPress has changed something, but oembeds weren’t working for me with Vimeo. Some helpful people had produced patches in the form of plugins but they didn’t work either. However, they very nearly did. Here’s my corrected version of the plugin. /* Plugin Name: Vimeo oembed hotfix Plugin URI: Description: Enable https vimeo …

I think I’ll SayMore

Why can millions of people can happily speak languages that they can’t easily write? How do pioneer writers develop a natural written style for their language? How can mother-tongue speakers take responsibility for recording and carefully archiving some of the precious songs, stories, speeches, teachings and other communication from their languages? How do we transcribe …