Mark’s gospel theme song

The Rowbory/Nigeria Family Blog

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Who is this who calls the fishermen to follow?
Who is this at whose command the demons flee?
He heals a man with leprosy.
The paralysed leap to their feet.
He teaches with a new authority.

Who is this who comes for sinners not the righteous?
Who is this whose voice can still a stormy sea?
He speaks new life into the dead.
He prays and hungry crowds are fed.
At his touch the darkened eyes begin to see.

He is the Chosen One, the Promised King,
The long-awaited Saviour,
Son of Man whose powerful word
Bursts through an evil world.
The Kingdom of our God has come.
Give up your sin and trust in him,
For surely— this man— is the Son of God.

Who is this who shines with glory from the Father?
Who is this who came to suffer and to die?
Who kneels in pain and prays alone:
‘O Father, let your will be done’?
Whose friends all flee while crowds cry, ‘Crucify!’

Who is this whose back is torn by Roman lashes?
Who is this whose brow is bleeding from the thorns?
Raised on a cross in agony.
‘My God, have you forsaken me?’
He breathes his last. The temple curtain’s torn.

He is the Chosen One, the Risen King,
The death-defeating Saviour,
Son of Man whose outstretched arms
Bind up a broken world.
The Kingdom of our God has come.
Take up your cross and follow him,
For surely— this man— is the Son of God.