Buttbuttination: The Clbuttic mistake

The Rowbory/Nigeria Family Blog

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Buttbuttination: The Clbuttic mistake

It’s not new news, but it always tickles Julie and me to evoke the memory of naive profanity filters that produce the following:

President Abraham Lincoln was buttbuttinated by an armed buttailant after a life devoted to the reform of the US consbreastution.

In case you haven’t come across it or want to reread the Typograph article or read about the first real buttbuttination attempt. Favourite parts of the latter article include these quotes:

…the Prince … appropriately in this context is deputy interior minister for security…. “He surprised me by blowing himself up,” the Saudi bigwig reportedly told al-Arabiya, in a masterpiece of understated commentary.

To come back to an application in the world of Bible translation, that’s why find-and-replace is dangerous and why the filter of searching for whole words is A Good Thing™.

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