Nigeria’s a great example of a place where Wycliffe’s Vision 2025 needs to be worked out. But what’s that vision? Here’s a video to explain in general: [youtube_sc clip_id=ZLWdWOoU0u4] Nigeria has the complete Bible in 19 or 20 languages. It has over 500 living languages. There are quite a few languages with New Testaments, but …
OK, headlines sometimes grab the reader unjustifiably, but this is a bit too much: RAIL WORKERS’ WIVES DESERT On 20 June, the Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) commenced long distance intercity service between Minna and Kaduna (158km)… and if you read the (mildly interesting) article you’ll find out it’s about Nigeria opening up railways, but nothing …
ReallyOnline, the Mac OS X dashboard widget for seeing and hearing when the internet comes and goes, has been updated to version 1.2. Main new feature: turn the voice on or off!
That’s another workshop finished and one issue that always crops up for translation teams is what to do with Key Biblical Terms – important words and concepts that have a lot of significance and come up throughout the Bible. Often there’s a term in the translators’ language that seems an instinctively good match, but which …
Some visiting techies from America helped set up a variety of translation teams mostly in fairly remote locations with satellite-powered internet to help connect them with consultants and other advisors. Here are some videos and interviews that one visiting technician made that might give you an insight into some aspects of translation that I’m involved …
Hooray! Together with a great team, we’ve managed to get the new St George’s-Tron Church site off the ground. Actually there’s still lots to do (behind the scenes and in front of the scenes), but the good news for me is that others can do a lot more now without needing to ask me.
Here’s a video introduction to what I’ve been doing: [youtube_sc url=12hYSb-OrGM] Watch on MobileMe (opens a new window, so you can keep the transcript in view in case that’s helpful)
Did you know that the word littoral existed? Or the word lory? Came across both when browsing the dictionary of a small Pacific language. I thought they were typos; my vocabulary has just been expanded!
David’s tentatively launching a new site for translation teams to publish trial versions of their translated work. Ideas, comments and texts all welcome!
The first ever web site written in the Nya Huba language of northern Nigeria has been created! What’s all the fuss?