Author: david

The Rowbory/Nigeria Family Blog

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Example of Discourse Improvements in Luke

We certainly haven’t got Luke’s gospel finished yet, but over the last few months Moses and Arams and then just Arams and I have been working through the whole of Luke’s gospel about 20 times or more looking at particular issues and tidying things up. I thought I’d give any interested people (geeks) an annotated …

Getting back to Nigeria

Good news from us is that flights to Nigeria eventually opened up for a select few airlines and we have heard of people successfully making it in, and being allowed to quarantine in their own homes for a week. That is all encouraging. While we love being around friends and family in Glasgow, we’re slightly …

Translator training: checking tools

The current translator(s) with the Ashɛ translation project had not received much training in using the translation software, so we’ve been doing that over Skype and I’ve made some videos to reinforce what we have done interactively. They’re unedited and not amazing, but if you want a taste of what we have been doing (but …

Biblish: According to…

One stock phrase that comes up quite often in many English Bible translations is according to. It’s bona fide English, but it contains within it a subtle trap which can be quite annoying or disconcerting for the reader and this is why. You’ll probably recognise 2 kinds of use of according to in everyday English: …

We’re all gods now

and so Scotland needs a new Blasphemy Law Or maybe the law isn’t being Revoked, just Rearmed and Re-aimed ‘We are not stoning you for any good work,’ they replied, ‘but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.’ Jesus answered them, ‘Is it not written in your Law, “I have said …

Unless the Lord builds the house

“Unless the LORD builds the house,its builders labour in vain.  Unless the LORD watches over the city,the watchmen stand guard in vain” Psalm 127:1 (NIV) Here we are over 3 months after the lockdown got fully going in the UK, the 132nd of March (31+30+31+30+10) as some wisecracks have put it. Had it not been …

Too long away

Kai! (Exclamation) We have been away from Nigeria for too long! It sometimes just strikes me. One way I notice is that when I call up translators on the phone or sign off to friends in Nigeria I have to work just a little bit harder to remember all the correct greetings. And the funniest …

Valuing God’s Images

Two weeks ago, shortly after protests began over the gratuitous public murder of George Floyd, the chapter of Bible to read with my daughters was Numbers 35. It couldn’t be more relevant for contemporary America… and actually the whole world. “ ‘If a man strikes someone with an iron object so that he dies, he …