Renewing Car Particulars (in Jos)

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Renewing Car Particulars (in Jos)

Notes on the process made by David Rowbory August 2014, (VW Golf 3).

Updated 2015 with input from Andy & James, esp on payment and process order.


  • Cost: ₦8835 Time: 2 hours, much to-ing and fro-ing between desks.
    • 1 hour if you know where you are going and have an ATM card.
  • Where: Plateau Board of Internal Revenue, Ahmadu Bello Way, Jos (or Bukuru).
  • What’s required: Current particulars (maybe TIN), A mobile phone,
  • Recommended: Verve or MasterCard ATM card for Point of Sale payments. This makes it much faster.
  • What you leave with:
    • Vehicle Licence sticker
    • Roadworthiness receipt
    • Roadworthiness certificate
    • Certificate of Insurance (Third Party Only)
    • Revenue Receipts: Motor Vehicle License, RoadWorthyness cert, SMS alert, Insurance Premium

In detail:

  • Take Old Particulars to left-most window on front of the building and say you want to renew them.
    • You should receive 2 printed papers (invoices) detailing the costs for Vehicle License, Road-worthiness, Insurance.
  • Take these invoices to the POS window (rightmost) and pay the amount specified ideally via MasterCard.
    • You’ll give your phone number and will collect a confirmation by SMS.
    • For me it was slower because I paid cash to someone who then deposited it in a bank and someone else used their card. Having a MasterCard (not Visa, as Aug2014) would have saved about 30-45 mins.
    • You will collect a payment receipt.
  • Take the invoices + payment receipt to the receipt office (inside centre door, past VIO, then left just before the big desk, then along to the end on the left)
    • Give the invoices/receipts and you’ll get official receipts printed for you.
  • Get insurance before going to VIO:
  • Take all papers to the large hall (past the big desk) where you buy 3rd-party insurance.
    • Give the bundle of receipts to someone who will ask again for a phone number and enter details.
    • Take the insurance paper and go again to pay (₦500) at the POS (rightmost window, on outside of building)
    • Take POS receipt to the 2nd Left window
      • They’ll ask for a phone number and you’ll get an SMS confirmation that all is done.
  • Go to VIO
    (Jos: through front door on the left, or at the window to left of the central door)

    • Collect the roadworthiness receipt/certificate, doing whatever they ask you to do!
  • Shi ke nan! That’s all.


Comments: 2

  1. Andy says:

    Thanks for posting this David – very helpful. I did mine in Bukuru. I sent someone with the papers at 9am, received the registration SMS at 1pm and sent my guy back at 2pm to collect the new papers. I got:
    Roadworthiness N1,250 (PLSG certificate, PLSG revenue receipt, PSIRS/AutoReg receipt)
    Vehicle license N1,875 (PLSG paper, PLSG revenue receipt, PSIRS sticker, AutoReg license payment card)
    Insurance N5,000 (certificate and receipt in a card cover as usual)
    SMS N200 (PLSG revenue receipt)
    It really looks like I paid twice for roadworthiness and the license, but I won’t know for sure until next week, when I get my new Proof of Ownership back and can check what I paid for the lot.

  2. James M says:

    These instructions were helpful. Even though now a year later the prices were the same.

    My observations are:
    As well as MasterCard, the POS window will accept any Verve ATM card.
    You are expected to get the insurance before going to VIO office.
    It is once you go to VIO that you get the invoice for ₦500 which you have then have to pay (POS).
    At the very end you have to go back to the receipt office to have all the receipts stamped and your green book stamped.

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