Accordance Bible Software Updates may use up GBs of unnecessary space

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Accordance Bible Software Updates may use up GBs of unnecessary space

Sometimes storage space just seems to disappear. I just got to the bottom of some unnecessary wasted space on my Mac which I hadn’t encountered before. Accordance Bible software (very useful) uses the Sparkle service for updates. I discovered over 15GB of old versions of the Accordance app and updaters sitting quietly in an invisible folder on my system. Many seemed to be duplicates. 

So, if you have Accordance and you’re wondering what is using up so much space you might want to check:

  • Inside your user folder
    • Library
      • Application Support
        • Accordance
          • .Sparkle (this is the invisible folder – open it by using Go to Folder and typing .Sparkle)

Or at the Terminal type

open "~/Library/Application Support/Accordance/.Sparkle"

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