Here’s a quote from a book which ended up making a somewhat surprising long-term impact on our family. It’s about the problems of translating hymns into tone-languages… I have heard Dr Nida refer to a group in Liberia who were supposed to be singing the chorus, “Precious name, oh how sweet, Hope of earth and joy of heaven.” But the tune so reassigned the pitch patterns that it came out…
Just heard about a bundle of little useful apps to help streamline your use of a Mac available in the next 2 weeks only, costing $30 for the lot. Worth investigating. Includes favourites such as PathFinder and Text Expander.
I updated the Hausa keyboard for Mac OS X: Added an automatic installer (applescript) to make it very quick to install. Added the Naira sign to alt-4 or alt-N. Returned / x and v to normal operation. Comments and feedback appreciated.
I’m learning Hausa, and trying to type as much of it up as possible. It’s not particularly original, but I’ve used the excellent Ukelele program to produce a nice wee Mac Keyboard Layout file to make it quicker to type Hausa a little more properly than most people manage. Here it is: Hausa (+tone).bundle (a 20K …
I read an interesting article recently which surveyed some of the most famous first words: first tweet, first SMS, first words from the moon, right back to the telegraph etc. But most interesting was the fact that especially today, the actual first words are normally along the lines of “This is a test. Please ignore.” …