IT Consulting

The Rowbory/Nigeria Family Blog

Created with Sketch.

I’ve helped design, build and maintain a number of information systems in use around the world. It’s not my main focus at the moment, but various articles in the blog should show the fruit of ongoing IT work. And I do enjoy helping small businesses and individuals get new websites, blogs, newsletters, databases etc set up. If you have an IT job you need done and I don’t have time to help you myself I should be able to pass you on to someone else who can help.

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Comments: 3

  1. Dear David,
    I’m contacting you because I’m getting desperate. William has created a web adress for me, and basically told me to build my own website on WordPress. I’m doing bits of it, but I am fundamentally stuck on one point: I cannot change the ‘Home’ as it does not exist as a page, when I look for it in the dashboard. I’m sure it’s simple – but I cannot understand even how to find proper instructions. Do you have a decent link (not a forum, you can go round in circle in those) that would help me a bit with building this nightmare? I have no deadlines and my art is purely my hobby. But if you had a quick look at it and told me what medicine I need to fix it I’d be very very grateful.
    I hope you are all well – pity we live so close and yet do not cross each other much

    • David says:

      Go to and you’ll see options for changing what is displayed on the front page. Choose a Static Page for the front page. If you want to use ‘Posts’, then you need to create a new page which acts as a dummy page and choose that to represent your posts. The content on that page won’t display but the title will be displayed. See how you get on with that.

  2. Lauren says:

    Hi David, it would be great to catch up!

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